Hardship Cases
Clarification to apply for reimbursement of public transportation fees
Students who find themselves in a situation of financial and/or social hardship can submit a hardship application for a refund of the semester ticket fee for the current and previous semester. Exceptions are possible in justified cases. The Hardship Office decides on applications for reimbursement. The semester ticket fee can be refunded if the applicant cannot reasonably be expected to pay the semester ticket fee due to their income and financial situation. In principle, this is based on the standard requirements of SGBII or SGBXII, but each case is decided individually. Exemption can also be granted in other individual cases if the applicant can prove that payment of the semester ticket fee represents an exceptional hardship for them for personal reasons.
The semester ticket holder can continue to use the semester ticket after the hardship situation has been determined and the application for reimbursement has been approved.
What am I to do?
Send the application (PDF) and certificate of study by mail to: ha@asta-fra-uas.de
It is entirely possible to hand in applications for the current semester and last semester.
We will contact you as fast as possible and let you know what kind of documents and evidence we need to verify whether we can help you.
You won’t have to pay it back!
Contact (Post)
AStA Frankfurt UAS
z.Hd. Härtefallausschuss
Kleiststraße 5
60318 Frankfurt am Main
We are currently not available by telephone. We ask for initial contact by e-mail. We may then arrange a telephone consultation time.