Semester ticket office

Page Overview

  1. General Information about the Semester Ticket
  2. Germany – Semester Ticket (avaiable now!)
  3. Information on the Refund of the Semester Ticket Fee

1) General info to semester ticket

What is the Semester Ticket?

The Semester Ticket grants you the right to use public transportation. It is automatically paid with the semester fees upon enrollment or re-registration. With this ticket, you can utilize all regional trains, S-Bahn trains, U-Bahn trains, trams, and buses throughout the entire area covered by the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV). The scope of validity changes for the summer semester 2024 with the introduction of the Germany Semester Ticket.

The Semester Ticket costs €176.40 for the summer semester 2024 and is already included in the semester fees. The converted price of €29.40 per month represents 60% of the price of the Germany Ticket.

Student ID and enrollment certificate DO NOT serve as Semester Tickets. The Semester Ticket is valid only in digital form starting from the summer semester 2024.

It is not possible to bring someone along with the ticket, and you are not allowed to lend your Semester Ticket to others.

Why isn’t the ticket for the summer semester 2024 printed at the machines?

Starting from April 1, 2024, the Semester Ticket will no longer be available via the Study Chip but through a smartphone app. Therefore, only the ticket for the winter semester will be printed.

Nevertheless, please validate the Study Chip from April 1, 2024!

Despite this change, you MUST validate your Study Chip at the machines from April 1, 2024, so that the date for the summer semester 2024 is printed, allowing you to authenticate yourself during exams, etc.

When is the ticket valid?

Starting from the summer semester 2024:

Valid from April 1, 2024, for the use of public transportation Available for booking approximately 10 days in advance Scope of validity – In which area can I travel with the Semester Ticket?

The following maps show the area of validity up to and including the winter semester 2023/2024, indicating the most important train stations. Border stations are underlined. The validity ends at these stations, and connecting tickets must be purchased.

Am I allowed to travel in first class? No. You need to purchase a supplementary ticket from RMV for that.

Information about connecting tickets should be obtained from the relevant transport association.

Why is the Semester Ticket provided?

“In the endeavor to address the social and economic interests of the students and to ensure the mobility of students with environmentally friendly means of transportation, RMV and the AStA conclude the following agreement: […]”

states the preamble of the contract between AStA and RMV. The AStA, through the election by the students and its status as a public corporation, has the opportunity to conclude a contract of this kind, which brings significant financial benefits to students. It doesn’t matter if some individuals do not benefit from the deal if it can only be so inexpensive because all students buy the ticket. Following the motto: “One for all – all for one!”. Since the ticket is used differently intensively by students, everyone pays the average price. Even for those who rarely use the ticket, there is a price advantage over purchasing single tickets, even with low usage. Additionally, the ticket is subsidized through compensation payments for apprentice traffic, further reducing the amount to be paid.

Lost or defective student ID?

Always report the loss of the Study Chip immediately to the Student Office ( There, you will receive a new Study Chip. The cost is €15 for loss and €10 for a defect.

Student Office of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences:

2) Germany – semesterticket (Deutschland-Semesterticket)

Avaiable now !

Starting from the summer semester of 2024, the Germany Semester Ticket for students will be introduced!

General information

  • The digital Germany Semester Ticket is valid for the entire semester and must be renewed every semester.
  • It is only valid in conjunction with an official photo ID (e.g., ID card).
  • Students are only authorized to travel if they have activated the mobile ticket!
  • It is valid nationwide on the means of transport of the participating transport companies of the regional rail transport (SPNV) and the public transport (ÖPNV). The Germany Ticket has already been paid for through the semester fees. Therefore, no additional costs apply.
  • If you do not own a mobile phone or if obtaining a mobile ticket is truly impossible, there is a manual process for issuing a chip card. If this applies to you, please contact us by email. Activating the Mobile Ticket

Activating the mobile ticket

The Germany-Semesterticket can be activated via the following link:

Activating the Mobile Ticket Guide

  • Access the link
  • Login with the CampusIT (CIT) Account
  • Click on the ticket
  • Add to Apple or Google Wallet (or other smartphone wallet apps). Alternatively, you can also set up a bookmark to the ticket portal if no wallet is available and thus access the ticket during ticket inspection.

Scope of Validity

The Semester Ticket grants eligible students the use of all public transportation in Germany that is included in the scope of the Germany Ticket. This mainly includes all local transportation as well as a few long-distance routes.


In case of technical issues, the AStA cannot provide further assistance, therefore we kindly ask you to contact the service provider “Digital H” at:

For general inquiries, you are welcome to continue contacting the AStA Semester Ticket Office.

Where to find us?

Building 5, 1. floor
(red house in front of mensa)

+49 69 1533-3262
! We are reachable by phone ONLY during opening hours !

AStA Frankfurt UAS
Kleiststraße 5
60318 Frankfurt am Main

Opening hours
Monday Geschlossen
Tuesday Geschlossen
Wednesday Geschlossen
Thursday Geschlossen
Friday Geschlossen
Saturday Geschlossen
Sunday Geschlossen

Changes to opening hours may occur at any time. Please check the evening before your planned visit.

Individual appointments can be arranged via email.

4) Information on Refunds from SoSe 24

Refunding the contribution towards the RMV Semester Ticket of semester fees is possible under certain circumstances. Below you will find a list of refund reasons. Under each point, it is visible which documents must be submitted in addition to the application in a timely manner.

The amount of the contribution towards the RMV Semester Ticket can be found on the Frankfurt University website (Link).

1. Deadline: The deadline for submitting refund requests is set each semester on the date “4 weeks after the start of classes”.

For the summer semester 2024, applications and supporting documents can be submitted until May 13, 2024. The refund request for the winter semester 23/24 had to be submitted by November 13, 2023, at the latest, along with the required evidence. Important: Refunding deactivates the mobile ticket, and public transportation can no longer be used.

2. No need to submit Study Chip!: From SoSe 24, submitting the Study Chip will no longer be necessary as the “invalidation” of the Germany Ticket is done digitally. Thus, all required documents for refund can be conveniently submitted via email.

3. Remaining Study Chips at the Semester Ticket Office: If the student ID has already been returned as part of a refund request from previous semesters, it can be collected at the AStA Semester Ticket Office during its opening hours or requested to be returned via regular mail by email.

4. Social or financial hardship: If you find yourself in a social or financial hardship situation, and none of the refund reasons listed below apply to you, you have the option to submit a hardship application to the Hardship Committee of the Student Parliament at any time. Information on this can be found at:

5. Withdrawal: A refund of the Semester Ticket portion due to withdrawal or resignation from studies is not possible at the AStA Semester Ticket Office. A refund of the semester fees already paid is possible until the start of classes AT THE STUDENT OFFICE of Frankfurt UAS. Please submit the refund or withdrawal application to the Student Office.

The application for withdrawal at the Student Office of Frankfurt UAS can be found here.

Further information on withdrawal can be found on the homepage of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences:

6. Outdated documents: Due to outdated refund applications in circulation, we would like to point out that the documents and refund requests should be used from our homepage to stay informed about the latest changes and instructions. In the future, current information and frequently asked questions about refunds will be available on the subsequent pages of the refund application available for download.

7. Note – Submitting documents: All documents, evidence, and refund applications can be submitted easily via email. ONLY PDF files can be accepted by email! Alternatively, these can also be sent by mail to the following address:


Post: AStA Frankfurt UAS c/o Semester Ticket Office Kleiststraße 5 60318 Frankfurt am Main

8. Document – Application for Download

Applications and information sheets will be adapted to the Germany Semester Ticket at the beginning of SoSe 24, but can already be used for the refund application in SoSe 24:

9. Accepted Refund Reasons:

Removal of Refund Reasons: From SoSe 24 onwards, NO refund is possible for online students and students who are completing an internship or thesis outside the RMV area. Since the Germany Semester Ticket is valid nationwide, these cases are no longer considered by RMV in the contract.

Documents to be submitted:

  • Completed and signed application form by the applicant (Download DE|EN)
  • Study abroad certificate from Frankfurt UAS.

Note: The stay abroad must be at least three months during the application semester!

Documents to be submitted:

  • Completed and signed application (Download DE|EN)
  • Study abroad certificate from Frankfurt UAS.

Disability with entitlement to free transportation according to SGB IX

Documents to be submitted:

  • Completed and signed application (Download DE|EN)
  • Leave of Absence Certificate from Frankfurt UAS

Dual enrollment at two universities in Germany

Documents to be submitted:

  • Completed and signed application (Download DE|EN)
  • Proof that no refund of the Germany Ticket was made at the second university.

Documents to be submitted:

  • Completed and signed application (Download DE|EN)
  • Landesticket-Hessen (copy)

Note: A job ticket is not a reason for a refund!

Muster Landesticket Hessen:

Documents to be submitted:

  • Completed and signed application (Download DE|EN)
  • Medical certificate confirming that the use of public transportation was not possible for at least 3 months of the respective semester.

Note: The refund application for the reason “Medical Certificate” has an extended deadline for submission. In principle, the application and supporting documents must be submitted by the deadline of the following semester.