Information on participating in the election for the student parliament and the student councils 24/25

Dear students, Elections will be held again at our university from 27 January 2025! You have until 5 February 2025 to cast your vote in the elections for the Senate, the Faculty Councils and the Women's Commission. The elections will take place via an online portal. More Information Date: 31.01.2025 [...]

Information on participating in the election for the student parliament and the student councils 24/252025-01-31T15:55:39+01:00

Information zur Teilnahme an der Wahl zum Studierendenparlament und den Fachschaftsräten

Liebe Studierendenschaft, um zu überprüfen, ob Ihr berechtigt seid, an der diesjährigen Wahl zum Studierendenparlament und der Fachschaftsräte vom 29.01.2024 - 07.02.2024 teilzunehmen, könnt Ihr euch an das Wahlbüro in Gebäude 2 Raum 572 wenden. Solltet Ihr bereits eine Benachrichtigung zur Wahl durch Polyas erhalten haben, seid Ihr ins Wählerverzeichnis eingetragen. Für weitere [...]

Information zur Teilnahme an der Wahl zum Studierendenparlament und den Fachschaftsräten2024-01-05T10:46:46+01:00

Election Newspaper 2020/21

Online Election of the Student Parliament (StuPa) and Student Council (Fachschaftrat) Online Election of the Student Parliament (StuPa) and Student Council (Fachschaftsrat) So that you know who is standing in the election, there is also an election newspaper this semester, in which the individual lists introduce themselves. To download or read it, click [...]

Election Newspaper 2020/212021-01-30T02:57:50+01:00

Election Committee News

+++The deadline for submitting nominations will be extended to January 6, 2021, at 4 p.m. +++ Dear students, Due to the closure of the university until 10.01.2021, all previously announced office hours of the election committee will be canceled. For the time being, this will also take place digitally. For inquiries and all [...]

Election Committee News2020-12-21T22:30:42+01:00
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